Is Your Moving Company Legit?

This will be pretty straight forward. The reason we want to get this out there? Most local moving companies are not legitimate, tax paying, workers comp holding, governed by the state moving companies! Yes I said it, I think one serious misunderstanding is that if a company is on Yelp, or has their name on […]

In-House Survey

Every move is different, but the factors of every move are the same: what needs to be moved, what are the specifications of the locations of the move, and what do you need from your mover? These are the basics that RL Relocation needs to plan the move and provide you with an estimated price. […]

ASPCA Article on Moving Pets

We here at R.L Relocation are avid pet lovers, and wanted to include an article about pets and moving. We thought it best to leave it to the pro’s. This article was written for the ASPCA website and can be found there. But we thought we would bring it to light here as well! Moving […]

Tips for Long Distance Moves

Get your packing supplies in order. Check out craigslist for used boxes, even free boxes. Lots of people post them there, if you get an early start you can be ahead of the game. Remember more is more when you are moving. Also consider having the pro’s do it, it might cost a little more […]

Fine Tune Your Yelp Request

A few things to consider… Trust Moving companies have reviews, those reviews are written by the clients, whether they are organic or not is truly up in the air. I had one client tell me he only read the bad reviews, because they good reviews are already there. The bad reviews may tell you a […]

“I Hate Moving”

Just about every time we answer the phone, one of the top 3 sentences is “Uggh I hate moving”. Trust me you are not alone, even we do not like to move. There is always a lot to get done in what seems to be a very short amount of time. Your mover are here […]

Moving & Packing Tips 101

There are 100 articles out there on how to prep for a move, in this article we are going to go over the basics. I have noticed some of the sites are giving too much information moving is already stressful enough, we don’t need to go into overload! One of the most important things to […]